Reference: 001158-001
Brand: 3d Breed
Guerreras germanas

This article contains 10 German warriors. Does not include shields.
There are 143 products.
Reference: 001158-001
Brand: 3d Breed
This article contains 10 German warriors. Does not include shields.
Reference: 001135-001
Brand: 3d Breed
This article contains 10 Celtic warriors. Does not include shields.
Reference: 001161-001
Brand: 3d Breed
This article contains 10 Germanic warriors. Does not include command group. Does not include shields.
Reference: 001163-001
Brand: 3d Breed
This article contains 10 German warriors with javelin. Does not include command group. Does not include shields.
Reference: 001181-001
Brand: 3d Breed
This article contains 1 Hannibal Barca on foot and another on horseback. Shields not included
Reference: 001117-001
Brand: 3d Breed
This article contains 10 Legionary slinger. Shields not included.
Reference: 001124-001
Brand: 3d Breed
This article contains 1 Celtic boss mounted and 1 on foot. Does not include shields.
Reference: 001125-001
Brand: 3d Breed
This article contains 1 Celtic Chief by car and 1 on foot. Does not include shields.
Reference: 001156-001
Brand: 3d Breed
This article contains 1 German boss on foot and 1 on horseback. Does not include shields.
Reference: 001129-001
Brand: 3d Breed
This article contains 10 Celtic riders. Does not include command group. Does not include shields.
Reference: 001170-001
Brand: 3d Breed
This article contains 5 riders of Carthage. Shields not included
Reference: 001159-001
Brand: 3d Breed
This article contains 10 Germanic riders. Does not include shields.