Reference: 000140-001
Brand: Deweycat
Vagón antiaéreo

1 x Railway anti -aircraft car. Used by both Soviet and German forces.
There are 44 products.
Reference: 000140-001
Brand: Deweycat
1 x Railway anti -aircraft car. Used by both Soviet and German forces.
Reference: 000054-001
Brand: Deweycat
Bulldozer is a basic combat engineering tool. These combat engineering vehicles combine the land movement capabilities of the Bulldozer with an armor that protects the vehicle and its operator in or near combat.
Reference: 000051-001
Brand: Deweycat
The M5 Halftrack was widely used in World War II by Americans, as well as other allies. He continued in service and saw action in many postwar conflicts.
Reference: 000030-001
Brand: Deweycat
The omnipresent Willy was present on all fronts of World War II. Available versions: Classic Jeep Jeep with cape Jeep of Communications Jeep with 30 caliber machine gun and 50 caliber (interchangeable) Bazoocas Bazoocas (USA) Airborne jeep with machine guns (US) Jeep lrdg/sas (uk) British aircraft jeep
Reference: 000019-001
Brand: Deweycat
"Constructora" armored trucks were a series of 10 armored trucks that were built in Barcelona during the Civil War
Reference: 000018-001
Brand: Deweycat
Trubia is the common name that receives the light combat car that constituted the first of purely Spanish design and construction. He participated in operations at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War, although he played a small role.